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Legal&You February 2025

Discover how love, planning, and protection come together this February to secure your family's future and well-being.
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The Ultimate Act of Love This Valentine's Day

The benefits of having a will, protecting your legacy, and avoiding legal complications.
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A Final Act of Love

Planning for funeral expenses prevents financial hardship, allowing families to focus on mourning while preserving cultural and personal traditions.
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Your Legal Companion Through Every Stage of Life

My AI Lawyer offers expert legal guidance for love, breakups, and life’s challenges that is affordable, accessible, and always available.
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Cancer Myths Debunked

Uncover the truth about cancer myths, learn how lifestyle choices impact risk, and explore early detection.
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Thriving in the Digital Classroom

Navigating the digital landscape in education comes with its own set of challenges. That’s where TeleTeacher, a dedicated support service, steps in to help students thrive
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Legal&You January 2025

As we embrace the new year, it's the perfect time to reflect on traditions, debunk myths, and set healthy goals for the months ahead.
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Traditionally Ever After

In 2022, 4 376 customary marriages were registered. Customary marriages hold profound cultural significance in South Africa, symbolising the union of two families through time-honoured traditions.
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Myths About Funeral Cover Debunked

The Truth Behind Funeral Cover Myths. This financial burden of losing a loved one often compounds the emotional distress of losing a loved one and often comes unexpectedly.
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The Vital Link Between Sleep and Mental Wellness

Sleep isn’t just about closing your eyes at night, it’s the foundation of your overall well-being.
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Legal&You December 2024

In our latest edition of Legal&You, We want you to know that Legal&Tax is with you this December with Trauma Assist.
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SA: One of the Most Expensive Places to Die

Did you know that South Africa has been ranked as one of the most expensive countries in the world to die?
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Hit-and-Run Incidents in South Africa

South Africa's roads are considered some of the most dangerous in the world, with hit-and-run accidents tragically claiming lives and leaving others devastated every year.
Accidents Happen Be Prepared with Trauma Assist Feature

Accidents Happen—Be Prepared with Trauma Assist

During the December holiday season during December 2023, there were 10 180 people died on the roads. South Africa is known to have some of the most dangerous roads in the world.
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Breaking the Silence on HIVAIDS and Mental Health

Research indicates up to 62% of people Living with HIV experience depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Legal You August 2024 Feature

Legal&You November 2024

In our latest edition of Legal&You, we are providing you with a free wealth checkup. With the end of the year fast approaching, why not take your free wealth checkup to understand your current position and start planning for your financial goals next year. There is no time like the present.
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16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

In South Africa, a woman loses her life to violence every six hours by her intimate partner, a stark reminder of the deep-seated crisis of gender-based violence (GBV). These numbers aren't just statistics; they represent lives cut short, families shattered, and communities left to mourn. As we approach 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, equip yourself and your community with knowledge of the rights and support available to break the cycle of abuse.
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The Pressing Debt Crisis in South Africa

About 25 million adults in South Africa have incurred some form of debt, a situation that has continued to grow in recent years. Millions of South Africans are now under severe financial strain, with the cost-of-living crisis, unemployment rates climbing, and economic growth sluggish. With debt becoming a universal issue, you should explore ways to take control of your finances.