

Understanding Income Tax Feature

Tax Season Essentials

The essential questions and answers for the Tax Season 2024
Funeral Exploring Funeral Services in South Africa Feature

Exploring Funeral Services in South Africa

Unpack the funeral industry and ensure you are covered for the inevitable
VAS Demystifying Tax Season in South Africa Feature

Demystifying Tax Season in South Africa

Tax Season opens on 1 July. Find out everything you need to know before filing your tax return
Navigating Debt in South Africa

Navigating the Pressing Issue of Debt in South Africa

Insights and practical tips to guide you through the pressing challenge of debt in South Africa.
VAS Debt and budgeting Feature

Nine Money-Saving Tips for South African Families: Navigating Financial Wellness Together

With the cost of living continually rising, saving money has become more crucial than ever. Legal&Tax understands the unique financial challenges that South African families face and is committed to offering support that goes beyond mere advice.
Meal prep VAS Feature

Navigating Loadshedding Challenges

South Africans are no strangers to the challenges posed by loadshedding, a reality that disrupts daily routines and impacts various aspects of life.
Back to school

TeleTeacher: A Game-Changer for Back-to-School Success in January

As the new academic year approaches, parents and students gear up for the return to school after the festive season. The transition from holiday mode to the school routine can be challenging, especially when faced with uncertainties, like a brand new year!
Article Themes website November 20214 funeralfraud

Navigating the High Costs of Death

While the cost of living is a well-documented concern for many South Africans, an aspect often overlooked is the expense associated with the end of life.
VAS Debt budgeting for black Friday VAS Feature

Black Friday Budgeting

Are you dreading the impending Black Friday spending spree and worried about your finances? Legal&Tax has got you covered!

SA's Rollercoaster Economy

We’re a nation known for our diverse landscapes and vibrant cultures, but we’ve been facing a series of economic challenges in recent years. As we look ahead to the coming months, it is crucial to address the pitfalls that we’ll encounter in the pursuit of economic stability and growth.
VAS You dont owe them a thing Feature

Webinar: You Don't Owe Them a Thing!

If you have been relying on someone else to pay your bills, whether it’s your credit card, your rent or your car repayment, and that person decides that they’re not paying anymore, you’ve got a problem. Ever since a certain DJ gifted his girlfriend a car or two, and then had them repossessed when they split up, there has been the need to talk about what gifts and ownership really mean.
VAS You dont owe them a thing Feature

Don’t Owe them a thing!

Ever since a certain DJ gifted his girlfriend a car or two, and then had them repossessed when they split up, there has been the need to talk about what gifts and ownership really mean.
Funeral Innovation from beginning to end Feature

Seize the Day, Your Way.

Make today better by not having to worry about tomorrow.
Tax season webinar

Tax Season 2023

All the Tax Talk getting a bit nerve-wracking? Our Tax Expert Nabeela Golding in conversation with Darren Cohen, General Manager here at Legal&Tax, to put those fears to rest. Answers to your tax questions are right here, just sit back and watch.
VAS Owing money to SARS Feature

What if I owe the Tax man?

Discover the consequences of owing taxes and the importance of tax compliance. Learn how to request payment arrangements with SARS and receive assistance from qualified tax practitioners. Avoid criminal offenses and enforcement collection actions by seeking professional support
Legal The quest for employment Feature

Good news! The quest for employment continues.

You would be forgiven for thinking that might be a bleak intro to an article on employment, but bear with us. The road goes up and down, and we cannot lose faith in tomorrow.
VAS Putting your wages to work Feature

Putting your wages to work

No one in SA can afford to play games with their money these days, so here are a couple of helpful tips to get your wages working for you.
VAS No such thing as a free lunch Feature

There is no such thing as a free lunch!

How many times have you heard that there is this “free service” or extra benefit that you get if you pay now, sign up, get registered etc? Let us be the first to tell you that it is not free. You are paying for it somewhere. The cost of that service, product, or “gift” has been worked into your fees somewhere in order to ensure that business doesn’t lose money. It would be great if we got things for free, but inevitably you will get what you pay for.
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