Health hub

Health hub

Educate and empower yourself with our health hub library. we’ve got all your health tips, updates, news & more available here.

Legal Tax Feature Image Health

Cancer Myths Debunked

Uncover the truth about cancer myths, learn how lifestyle choices impact risk, and explore early detection.
Legal Tax Feature Image Health

The Vital Link Between Sleep and Mental Wellness

Sleep isn’t just about closing your eyes at night, it’s the foundation of your overall well-being.
Accidents Happen Be Prepared with Trauma Assist Feature

Accidents Happen—Be Prepared with Trauma Assist

During the December holiday season during December 2023, there were 10 180 people died on the roads. South Africa is known to have some of the most dangerous roads in the world.
December Feature 2

Breaking the Silence on HIVAIDS and Mental Health

Research indicates up to 62% of people Living with HIV experience depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Feature Nov24 2

Prioritising Mental Wellness:

South Africa is grappling with an increasing mental wellness crisis. According to a 2023 study by the South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG), one in three South Africans will suffer from mental wellness issues at some point in their lives.
Health Keeping Your Heart Healthy Feature

Keeping Your Heart Healthy

Heart Awareness Month is an important reminder to prioritise the health of one of the most vital organs in your body: your heart.
Health Womens Health Feature

Women's Health: Preventive Care and Regular Screenings

Preventive care and regular health screenings are vital for maintaining optimal health and early detection of potential health issues.
Promoting Mental Wellness Through Creative Outlets Feature

Promoting Mental Wellness Through Creative Outlets

As we commemorate Mental Health Awareness Month, it's important to understand the profound impact creativity can have on our emotional and psychological well-being
Prioritizing Mental

Prioritising Mental Wellness

Mental wellness is a vital part of your overall health. Find out how to prioritise yourself.
Navigating Hospital Admission Tips for a Comfortable Stay

Navigating Hospital Admission Tips for a Comfortable Stay

Practical tips for a comfortable hospital stay, from packing essentials to effective communication with healthcare providers.
Health Prioritising your health Feature

The Power of Preventive Care: Embracing a Healthier Tomorrow

In the journey of life, health acts as both our greatest asset and companion, enabling us to cherish each moment and conquer the challenges that come our way.
Health Navigating medical emergencies 2023 Feature

Navigating Medical Emergencies

According to Gauteng Health MEC Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko, only 56% of critically ill calls within urban areas of Gauteng receive a response within 30 minutes from public ambulances.
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Sit Up Straight for a Happier, Healthier You!

Ah, the age-old advice from parents and teachers that we've all heard at some point in our lives: "Sit up straight!"
Trauma Assist

The Unsung Heroes

Accidents are sudden, unexpected, and often life-altering events. They strike without warning, leaving individuals in distress, injured, or even fighting for their lives. In these critical moments, it's the swift and skilled response of emergency responders and roadside ambulance care that can make the difference between life and death. These unsung heroes play a pivotal role in our society, and their value cannot be overstated
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The South African Summer Sun- Friend and Foe

Sunny SA loves a sunbeam, but remember that if it can power our homes, it also packs a punch.
Health Diabetes Month 2023 Feature

Diabetes Awareness Month

Diabetes is a growing health concern in South Africa, with an increasing number of individuals affected by the condition. It's crucial for South Africans to be aware of the warning signs and available treatments to manage this chronic disease effectively.
Health Breast Cancer Awareness 2023 Feature

Breast Cancer: How it affects everyone

Breast cancer awareness campaigns often revolve around the image of women adorned in pink, perpetuating the misconception that breast cancer exclusively affects females. However, the reality is quite different. Breast cancer knows no gender boundaries and can also strike men.
VAS Nurses to surgeons emergency care at your service Feature

From Nurses to Surgeons, Emergency Care at Your Service with Trauma Assist

With many of us trying to get the most out of our last long weekend before the end-of-year crunch, there will be much travelling over the Heritage Day long weekend to festivities, far-away homes and even a resort or two.