Webinar: You Don't Owe Them a Thing!

Webinar: You Don't Owe Them a Thing!
Professional advice on what do about those gifts that come with strings

If you have been relying on someone else to pay your bills, whether it’s your credit card, your rent or your car repayment, and that person decides that they’re not paying anymore, you’ve got a problem. Ever since a certain DJ gifted his girlfriend a car or two, and then had them repossessed when they split up, there has been the need to talk about what gifts and ownership really mean.

Nombali Kheswa
Nombali Kheswa - Debt Counsellor
29 August 2023 | 32 minute read

Our professional debt counsellors can help you manage your debt, by guiding you on budgeting, negotiating with your creditors and assessing your ability to make the repayments required, while maintaining a dignified lifestyle. Once you have repaid all your debt, there are legal avenues to repair your credit history, even if your heart is still a bit broken.

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