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We are living during difficult times as the world battles against the COVID-19 coronavirus.
As we try to save lives, unfortunately many people’s livelihoods (the money they earn from the work they do) are gone.
However, if you have been affected by this situation, the government is trying to support you. They are offering different kinds of financial help.
Read below for our guide on how to get money that can assist you and your family to survive:
A special temporary grant will be given to people who are “most desperately affected by the coronavirus”. This means that during the lockdown you cannot provide for your own and/or your family’s most basic needs.
The grant pays out R350 per month. It will be paid out for three months and then you can apply for an extension for exceptional circumstances (if you are still having huge problems because of the effects of COVID-19). If your application is accepted, the grant will then be paid out for another three months.
The first payment will be made in May.
You can apply for the grant by contacting the South African Social Security Agency (Sassa).
Here are their contact details:
If you get a child support grant, you will get an extra R300 in May. From June to October, you will receive an extra R500 per month.
Note: You receive this amount per caregiver (the adult taking care of the children), not per child.
If you already receive another grant, you will get an extra R250 every month, over the next six months.
Remember, Legal&Tax is your companion during this challenging time. If you want expert advice on how to follow the process of grant applications, you can contact us