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Lts Feb 2020 Newsletter Banner Images Sized For Website

Family comes first

When you are caught between your baby and your boss, remember that maternity leave laws make sure you do not have to choose. Family comes first and your job is legally protected throughout.
Black Family

Tips on how to handle the coronavirus as a family

Some tips on how to manage the anxiety children may be feeling around Covid-19.
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Maintenance Matters

When it comes to children’s rights, the law can serve as their strongest guardian. In fact, according to the law, parents have a duty to support their children until the children can support themselves.
Mom Daughter

Divorce & co-parenting during the lockdown

I am divorced and co-parenting. What happens to my children during the lockdown?
Domestic Abuse

I am living with an abuser and am scared to be in lockdown with them

It's not just a physical attack, but can also include, sexual, emotional, psychological or economic harm
Lts Feb 2020 Newsletter Banner Images Sized For Website Corona Virus

What the Coronavirus scare means for you and your family

Switch on the TV; listen to the radio or read the news and you will be hit with fear. The coronavirus is spreading around the world and claiming lives.
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Keeping Holidays Happy After a Divorce

Holidays are often associated with spending special time with family. However, one of the main challenges after a divorce is how and where your children will spend their school holiday time between you and your ex-spouse
dealing with divorce

Dealing with Divorce

Divorce is a difficult reality. While the emotional pain is hard to bear, Legal&Tax Services can at least be your companion in offering expert legal advice on this process.
Child safety at school

Is your child safe at school?

For any parent, school safety must simply be a guarantee.
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Child maintenance – the facts!

Every child is entitled to receive maintenance for their basic needs such as food, clothing, housing, education and health care.
Right To Be A Dad

The right to be a dad

When it comes to unmarried and divorced fathers, many people still believe that they have limited rights to their children. However, this is no longer the case. Let’s take a closer look at the rights that unmarried or divorced fathers are entitled to in South Africa.
Protecting your Right to Parent your children

Protecting your Right to Parent

Every parent wants to make sure that their children are safe, nurtured and secure. Even if you are unmarried or divorced, the law is on your side when it comes to your rights as a parent. Let’s take a closer look at how the law helps protect your parenting rights

HealthCare Gold Family Plan

HealthCare Gold for the family gives you the comfort of knowing that you and your loved ones have access reliable medical assistance, without worrying about the financial strain associated with hospital admissions.

HealthCare Prestige Family Plan

HealthCare Prestige for the family gives you the comfort of knowing that you and your loved ones have access reliable medical assistance, without worrying about the financial strain associated with hospital admissions.

HealthCare Prestige Wellness Family Plan

HealthCare Prestige for the family gives you the comfort of knowing that you and your loved ones have access reliable medical assistance, without worrying about the financial strain associated with hospital admissions.
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Divorce and Family Law call for exceptional skills

Legal&Tax helps you understand the divorce process and it's legislation. Divorce can be such an emotionally and financially draining activity, but with our experienced attorneys on your side, you'll always have the upper hand.
Funeral Thriving Death Industry Feature

Maintenance in South Africa

Discover the importance of maintenance in South Africa to ensure financial support for dependents. Learn about the legal obligations, types of maintenance, calculation methods, and the process of obtaining maintenance. Seek expert guidance from Legal&Tax.
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Your lifelong companion

This infographic clearly shows the area in which we can support you. Use our services as you grow and experience new challenges in your life. What stage of your life are you currently in?