

Health Ke Dezemba Feature

Happy Holidays: A Goal and a Reality

It has been quite a year and there is a definite sense of anticipation as the holiday season approaches. But are you excited or relieved? Either way Mzansi, it will all be ok. We’re doing better than we think we are.
Health Ke Dezemba Feature

Ke Dezemba Binge

South Africans already know that we have a slightly fraught relationship with substance abuse. As a country, long accused of a “missing middle” in one way or another, we really doubled down on the “go big or go home” way of life.
Funeral Life is for living Feature

Life is for the living: Grief & Guilt

Letting go is hard. It's even harder if we feel guilty for learning to live again after losing a loved one.
Legal Travel safe Feature

Nihambe kakuhle, veilig ry and travel safe

December is usually a slightly scary time on our roads, but there are a few extra things that we should consider before we embark, whether on private or public transport.
Legal Social Media law Feature

Webinar: Black Fridays Deals- Are they really Life or Debt?

A fascinating discussion on the tricks and traps around the festive deals that encourage us to spend our time and money, when we really should be saving both! Warrick McCabe, one of our debt advisors, explains the importance of budgeting, communication and sorting out our Needs from our Wants.
Legal Social Media law Feature

Black Friday Deals - Are they really Life or Debt?

The hype around Black Friday is everywhere. We look forward to the huge sales and even spend money we might not have, because we believe these are great savings. What if they're not? We look at the deals and the savings and decide.
Health Red Ribbon Month Feature

Red Ribbons for a Reason

November is Red Ribbon Month, and we wear our ribbons to raise awareness and stand in solidarity with those who live with HIV and AIDS. This year, we hope you also wear it with hope and an appreciation that, while there is much to do, we are actually making progress.
Funeral The Digital Dead Feature

The Digital Dead

We all know that your social media profiles remain active after you're gone. Do you want them to be available for your family and friends to remember you? Or do you want them, and all your data, deleted? These are latest additions to the questions we have to ask when planning our estates.
Legal Social Media law Feature

When Sharing isn't Caring

There was a time when it seemed like there were no consequences on the internet and that what happened online, stayed online. Not anymore. South Africa has joined the growing list of countries who are taking a stand on what their citizens get up to in cyberspace.
Legal You October 2022 Feature

Legal&You November

Our November articles share information that you can use to to build your better 2023. From managing your digital legacy to avoiding the festive financial pinch, we hope you enjoy these insights.
October 2022 Webinar Feature

Coping Hacks for changes and challenges

Finding power in the process, kindness, consequences, and incognito caring are just a few of the excellent points addressed, watch the video for more.
Health Hypertension Feature

Hypertension Infographic

Blood pressure is measured with a simple, painless test that needs to be performed by a healthcare professional, but it is quick and does not require laboratory analysis. Download our infographic for more information.
Health Heat Emergency Feature

Heat Illness Emergency Infographic

Sun burn, dehydration and dizziness may not sound serious, but they can have deeply harmful, lasting effects on our bodies. Download our infographic to enjoy the summer sun safely.
Funeral Feature

A Better Braai Day Webinar with Dr Avron Urison

As South Africans, many of us are united by our love of a braai and a beer. Heritage Day, lovingly referred to as “Braai Day” by most of the country, is celebrated with both, in generous helpings. While Heritage Day comes but once a year, our people need no excuse to haul out the braai and grab some meat and some drinks and spend any afternoon indulging.
Funeral Feature

Culture of Credit Webinar

South Africans have been accused of having a debt addiction. Far too many of us have tiny incomes compared to our massive expenditures and the only way that happens is through the use of credit facilities. But there are two sides to credit, it can help us or hurt us depending on how we use it.
Legal You October 2022 hands together

Legal&You October

In our latest edition of Legal&You we focus on Social Development. We share insights on cyber scammers, hospice palliative care, emergency situation essentials, and the importance of mental wellbeing. See how we are your companion in these various situations.
VAS suicide Feature

We don’t talk about it. The silence around suicide

It is difficult, both for those who have to try and manage feelings of despair that may lead to suicidal thoughts, and for those who try to be there to listen but don’t necessarily understand.
Health Emergencies Feature

Preparation is the best prevention

Medical emergencies are terrifying. The fear and helplessness while someone is suffering, or possibly dying, can be paralysing. As your companion, we want to help. Together with ER24, we have put together these downloadable infographics that explain what to do in some of the most frequently occurring medical emergencies.