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Legal You Q2 2021 Feature Story square images9

Dealing with fraud as a result of identity theft

We help you safeguard your personal information to prevent this criminal offence against you.
VAS Debt budgeting for black Friday VAS Feature

Black Friday Budgeting

Are you dreading the impending Black Friday spending spree and worried about your finances? Legal&Tax has got you covered!
Start saving today become a millioniare tomorrow

Why you should start saving today

The power of compound interest is often referred to as the eighth wonder of the world. In simple terms, it means that you earn interest on the interest you’ve already earned and reinvested into your savings or investment account.
VAS Putting your wages to work Feature

Putting your wages to work

No one in SA can afford to play games with their money these days, so here are a couple of helpful tips to get your wages working for you.

How to budget towards a bold future

If you constantly find yourself having more month left than money just before pay-day, it is time to make a budget.
Legal Social Media law Feature

Black Friday Deals - Are they really Life or Debt?

The hype around Black Friday is everywhere. We look forward to the huge sales and even spend money we might not have, because we believe these are great savings. What if they're not? We look at the deals and the savings and decide.
Debt review

How to deal with creditors while you're under debt review

Here's what you need to know
Back to school

How to budget for and spend wisely on school supplies

Tips to help you plan ahead for the back to school season
Legal Cyber scams Feature

10 Tips to protect yourself from Cyber Scammers

Buying second-hand cars, clothes and gadgets online can be a great way to save some cash, but a growing number of clients are coming to us with heart-breaking stories of being scammed and left with nothing. These scams are everywhere and as consumers, we need to protect ourselves. Use this checklist from start to finish every time you want to buy online, and save yourself from the dodgy deals and fake offers that pop up at every turn.
Steps to take when faced with a sudden loss of income

What to do in the event of a sudden loss of income

Losing your job or having to pay for unforeseen expenses like vehicle repairs, or a medical emergency can instantly change your financial situation. What can you do?
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VAS You dont owe them a thing Feature

Webinar: You Don't Owe Them a Thing!

If you have been relying on someone else to pay your bills, whether it’s your credit card, your rent or your car repayment, and that person decides that they’re not paying anymore, you’ve got a problem. Ever since a certain DJ gifted his girlfriend a car or two, and then had them repossessed when they split up, there has been the need to talk about what gifts and ownership really mean.
Tax season webinar

Tax Season 2023

All the Tax Talk getting a bit nerve-wracking? Our Tax Expert Nabeela Golding in conversation with Darren Cohen, General Manager here at Legal&Tax, to put those fears to rest. Answers to your tax questions are right here, just sit back and watch.
Tax Talk Feature Image

Tax Time Webinar

In this webinar, we explain the difference between being verified and audited by SARS and if you work from home, you can now claim for home office expenses.
Woman holding rands

Understanding your payslip

#IWishILearntThatInSchool - Part of our series supporting the youth. We all like getting paid, but understanding the paperwork that goes with it is important. Check out your payslip to make sure you have everything you need.
African businesswoman smiling at desk 299130290

Budget Breakdown

Budgeting #IWishILearntThatInSchool – Part of our series supporting the youth. Breakdown your necessities, savings and luxuries. Access other #IWishILearntThatInSchool articles and videos With Legal&Tax you’re not alone. Auth FSP
Legal Social Media law Feature

Webinar: Black Fridays Deals- Are they really Life or Debt?

A fascinating discussion on the tricks and traps around the festive deals that encourage us to spend our time and money, when we really should be saving both! Warrick McCabe, one of our debt advisors, explains the importance of budgeting, communication and sorting out our Needs from our Wants.
Get out of debt

Conquer your debt in 2022 webinar

In this webinar, we help you deal with your debt after the December holiday season, show you how to tackle the back-to-school-season and plan and budget for financial success in 2022.
Avoid more debt

How to avoid starting the year off with more debt

Strategies to get you out of the debt trap