Choose a healthier 2023

Choose a healthier 2023
Quit vaping. Lose 10kg. Join a gym and start exercising every day? No, just start small.

While we should always strive to accomplish our health goals, the road to better health doesn't have to mean making huge life-altering decisions.

Dr Avron Urison
Dr Avron Urison - CEO: HealthCare Plan
6 December 2022 | 4 minute read
Health Choose a Healthier 2023 no text

When these simple steps become habits, they can add up to a big positive effect on your overall health.

Get to bed earlier

Most of us don’t get the seven or more hours of sleep adults need. Over time, a shortage of shut-eye can raise your risk of a heart attack or stroke — regardless of your age, weight or exercise habits. If you're consistently sleep-deprived, going to bed even 15 minutes earlier every night could help. Also set a regular sleep and wake schedule and stick to it — even on days off.

Check your posture and ergonomics

    Just like you learn how to look after tools and toys, you have to learn how to look after your body. Next time you're at your desk or on the phone, take a moment to think about how you are sitting or standing. Then straighten up your back, tuck in your stomach and put your feet flat on the floor with your legs uncrossed. You'll feel more relaxed right away. The few seconds this takes can help you avoid spending thousands of rands at the physio. If you work at a computer, look at the ergonomics of your workstation to help prevent back and neck strain, carpal tunnel syndrome, eye strain and other occupational injuries. A few simple adjustments, such as repositioning your screen, switching to a chair that provides more low back support and taking regular breaks throughout the day to do stretching exercises, can go a long way toward creating a healthier and more comfortable workspace.

    Weigh in

    Checking your weight on a regular basis can help you pick up on weight gain early, so you can address the cause right away. Besides the unwanted tightness of once-comfortable pants, gaining weight can be a symptom of certain health problem or emotional stress. Maintaining a healthy weight can lower your risk for heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer.

    Take the stairs and stretch it out

    The next time you're going to a higher floor, bypass the elevator and climb the stairs instead. You'll get your blood pumping, exercise your lungs and work the muscles in your lower body. It’s a great way to add physical activity to your day without having to block out time to exercise. If you are aiming for the recommended 10 000 steps each day, taking the stairs counts toward that total.

    Take a few minutes to stretch out before and after you exercise. If you aren't working out that day, take a few stretch breaks. Find a quiet space in the office where you won't be disturbed. Regularly stretching your muscles helps you avoid injuries, stay limber and move freely as you age. Stretching right before bed can also help you relieve tension and help you get to sleep.

    Enjoy de-stressing

    Experts recommend regular exercise, meditation and breathing techniques to reduce stress. But even something as simple — and enjoyable — as listening to soothing music, reading a good book, soaking in a hot bath or playing with your pet can help you relax.

    That's advice you should take to heart because prolonged stress can cause or exacerbate a number of health problems, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, depression, ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines and obesity.

    Even if you don't have a lot of time, brief periods of relaxation are still beneficial.

    Spending 10 minutes at a time doing something you enjoy can go a long way toward beating the stressors of everyday life. Just reading one chapter or taking your dog for a few laps around the block will help you feel calmer, more refreshed, and more energised.

    If you can't take a full break from whatever you're doing, try simply taking a few slow, deep breaths in that moment. When you slow down your breathing, it helps you relax.

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