
Consumer rights

Consumer rights explained

As consumers, we have rights when purchasing goods in-store and online. We help you understand these rights and provide you with the steps you can take to ensure that goods purchased meet your expectation.
Article Themes website November 20214 funeralfraud

A rise in funeral insurance fraud due to the COVID-19 pandemic

You could take a financial hit if your insurance company raises your premium levels to counteract the cost of fraudulent claims.
Legal You Q2 2021 Feature Story square images6

Providing for your children even after you’re gone

Leaving behind a life insurance policy, writing a Will and setting up a Trust provides financial support and protection for your children in the event of your death.
Crime stats and being a companion article

Your Companion, through the good and the bad

In this article, we give a brief overview of the latest crime stats, give guidance on reporting a crime, and obtaining a protection order. We also provide you with information on our services to assist you in dealing with emotional trauma and seeking medical advice and emergency medical response.
Legal Cyber scams Feature

10 Tips to protect yourself from Cyber Scammers

Buying second-hand cars, clothes and gadgets online can be a great way to save some cash, but a growing number of clients are coming to us with heart-breaking stories of being scammed and left with nothing. These scams are everywhere and as consumers, we need to protect ourselves. Use this checklist from start to finish every time you want to buy online, and save yourself from the dodgy deals and fake offers that pop up at every turn.
Main Banner June 2020

Legal&You Newsletter Q2 2020

The outbreak of a global pandemic and subsequent lockdown has seen life as we know it change in ways we could not have imagined six months ago. Yet I am so uplifted by how ordinary South Africans have shown such resilience and companionship. We have seen many everyday heroes emerge, like the nurses who catch a taxi before dawn, to work a 20-hour day in the most uncomfortable personal protective equipment… and there are thousands of people like this saving lives. You may not wear a cape, but you are a hero. Thank you!
Benjy Porter

Wrapping up 2018 - A note from Benjy Porter

Avoid Funeral Cover Scams Feature

Avoid funeral cover scams

Funeral policies are there to help soothe the grief of a final goodbye to a loved one. When policies are not what was advertised, it adds to the pain. This month, we outline how you can check that your funeral policy is not a scam.
Legal Social Media law Feature

Black Friday Deals - Are they really Life or Debt?

The hype around Black Friday is everywhere. We look forward to the huge sales and even spend money we might not have, because we believe these are great savings. What if they're not? We look at the deals and the savings and decide.
Avoid going to court

Steps to take to avoid going to court

Going to court is costly, time-consuming and should be the last resort. We show you ways to resolve disputes without having to go to court.
The rights and costs of purchaing property

Your rights when purchasing a property - interest rates and insurance costs

Most of us dream of owning our own property, however, this is a costly endeavour and we may need to obtain a loan from a bank. We explain in this article your rights as a property owner and the two types of interest rates for such a loan as well as the various insurances involved in owning property.