

How to budget towards a bold future

If you constantly find yourself having more month left than money just before pay-day, it is time to make a budget.
Legal Social Media law Feature

Black Friday Deals - Are they really Life or Debt?

The hype around Black Friday is everywhere. We look forward to the huge sales and even spend money we might not have, because we believe these are great savings. What if they're not? We look at the deals and the savings and decide.
Debt review

How to deal with creditors while you're under debt review

Here's what you need to know
Back to school

How to budget for and spend wisely on school supplies

Tips to help you plan ahead for the back to school season
Legal Cyber scams Feature

10 Tips to protect yourself from Cyber Scammers

Buying second-hand cars, clothes and gadgets online can be a great way to save some cash, but a growing number of clients are coming to us with heart-breaking stories of being scammed and left with nothing. These scams are everywhere and as consumers, we need to protect ourselves. Use this checklist from start to finish every time you want to buy online, and save yourself from the dodgy deals and fake offers that pop up at every turn.
Steps to take when faced with a sudden loss of income

What to do in the event of a sudden loss of income

Losing your job or having to pay for unforeseen expenses like vehicle repairs, or a medical emergency can instantly change your financial situation. What can you do?

Debt Counselling:

Did you know that almost half of South Africans are in debt and struggling to pay it back?
Back to school

When should I start prepping for back to school season?

Plan ahead for your child
Holiday Season Budgeting

Tips for surviving the financial pinch this Christmas

As the festive season approaches, we all feel the pressure on our pocket, whether it’s the cost of a holiday, the price of gifts or the cost of entertaining family and friends
Credit Scores Article

Open Doors With Good Credit Scores

Before you commit to credit, you need to make sure that you can pay back this money in a responsible way.
debt written off

Does unpaid debt get written off after three years?

Everything you need to know about prescribed debt

How to apply for new ‘lockdown’ grants

We are living during difficult times as the world battles against the COVID-19 coronavirus. As we try to save lives, unfortunately many people’s livelihoods (the money they earn from the work they do) are gone. However, if you have been affected by this situation, the government is trying to support you. They are offering different kinds of financial help. Read below for our guide on how to get money that can assist you and your family to survive:
Man With Debt

Debt Dictionary

Got a question about debt? The answer may be here.
VAS No such thing as a free lunch Feature

There is no such thing as a free lunch!

How many times have you heard that there is this “free service” or extra benefit that you get if you pay now, sign up, get registered etc? Let us be the first to tell you that it is not free. You are paying for it somewhere. The cost of that service, product, or “gift” has been worked into your fees somewhere in order to ensure that business doesn’t lose money. It would be great if we got things for free, but inevitably you will get what you pay for.
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The buzz around Black Friday is building – and while there are certainly chances to get some good bargains – you also need to be careful not to slip into overspending or be duped by dodgy deals.
New tax legislation tax article Feature Story Square images May 2021

A Guide to Personal Income Tax

The laws and rules about income can seem very complicated. Luckily, our tax expert Johan Swart is here to explain the process to us in a clear and user-friendly way.
Testimonial June 2022 Feature

What the budget speech means for us

Very few of us take the time to sit down, and really consider what our country’s annual budget means. We take notice of the tax increases, and how much more our fuel will cost, and our tipple and smokes. We already make little calculations in our minds on how we will have to adjust our personal budgets to make ends meet.
Extra Square Imagery For Q3 Newsletter Feature 5 Vehicle Repossession

How to put the brakes on vehicle repossession

In the current economic down turn, you may find yourself falling behind on your monthly car payments. We provide you with all the available options to help you prevent your car from getting repossessed by the bank or loan/credit provider.